PigTronic 700 是为养猪设计的
PigTronic 700
PigTronic 700 is a simple yet highly productive 7 output climate controller designed for swine growing. It controls fans, heaters, cooling systems and flaps, and features a built-in 10/20 Amp variable fan speed controller. All functions are operated according to the presetting.
The unit can be managed from any connected PC and remotely controlled from any smartphone or tablet using Cellink. Available in various standard versions or as an OEM product.
Technical Specifications:
Power: 230V
Inputs: 2 analog inputs
Outputs: 5 dry change over contacts max. 230V/2Amp
1 (0-10V) output.
1 (0-230VAC) output
Display: 4 digits 7 segment display
Accuracy: +/- 0.2°C (+/- 0.3°F)
Memory: Memory with power fail protection and backup
Enclosure: IP 55
PigTronic 700 是为养猪设计的一款简单而且高效的5路风机输出控制器. 它能控制风机、加热、冷却、和挡板的开度, 同时内置10/20 A的变速风机输出. 控制器所有的功能都会按照预先设置好的参数工作。
PigTronic 700控制器可以通过连接电脑来管理,并且实现远程控制功能,或者配合Cellink.配件使用,来连接智能手机、平板电脑进行远程控制,这适用于各种标准版本或OEM产品。
电压: 230V
输入: 2 模拟量输入
输出: 7 继电器输出.最大 230V/2A
1 (0-10V) 输出.
1 (0-230VAC) 输出
显示: 4 位7 段显示屏
精度: +/- 0.2°C (+/- 0.3°F)
存储器: 内存停电保护备份